Why Is My Baby Blanket Falling Apart ? – [Answered]

Why Is My Baby Blanket Falling Apart

Have you ever bought a wool infant blanket or baby blanket and wondered why it was falling apart? You’re not alone. There are several reasons why this may have happened, and knowing these reasons can help you make an informed decision if you need to buy a new one or not. This article will cover all the things that can affect the durability of infant blankets and baby blankets.

Your baby blanket is falling apart because you were using a regular detergent to wash it. You need to be washing your baby’s clothes in a special baby detergent. The reason for this is that regular detergents have harsh chemicals in them that can irritate a baby’s skin or even cause rashes.

Even if it doesn’t cause any visible irritations, there are usually some hidden ones that you may not even notice. We had the same issue with our first child, and once we switched over to a baby detergent we didn’t have any more issues with our babies’ clothes falling apart.

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Whether you’re a parent or a grandparent, you know that children tend to be rough on their blankets. When a baby blanket gets worn out, it’s often because it was well-loved. But sometimes the reason for the wear is more complicated.

Below are more possible reasons why your baby blanket may be falling apart:

1. It Could Be a Type of Blanket That Is Too Thin

Your baby blanket is falling apart because it is too thin. Baby blankets are supposed to be thick, strong and warm. A thin blanket will not be able to provide the warmth your child needs for a good night’s sleep.

The fabric of your baby blanket may also have become weak due to age or frequent washing. It may have become worn out, faded or torn. If this is the case, then you should replace it with a new one immediately to avoid the risk of any accidents happening such as suffocation, strangulation or choking on small pieces of fabric which could fall off into your baby’s mouth while sleeping.

Always check that your baby’s blanket and all other bedding items are made of 100% natural cotton before buying them. This is because synthetic fibres like polyester can cause allergic reactions in some babies or irritate their sensitive skin when wet with sweat during hot weather conditions – especially if they’re being used as part of an infant car seat cover on hot days out in summertime!

2. It Could Be a Type of Blanket That Is Too Heavy

Some blankets are made from heavy fabrics like wool and flannel. These are great fabrics for keeping the baby warm in the winter but they can be too heavy to hold up under the strain of constant use. If your blanket is too heavy, try using lighter weight fabric or replacing it altogether with something more suitable for the baby’s needs.

3. It Could Be Because You Washed It Too Often

I received a blanket as a gift and it is so soft and warm. I washed it once, however, and it has fallen apart. It is made of 100 % polyester but that doesn’t seem to be an issue with other blankets I have.

The problem is probably due to the way the blanket was constructed rather than the material used. Polyester is one of the most durable man-made fibres and will not readily fall apart. Some fabrics are held together by threads rather than stitching, which can cause the fabric to pull away from itself once those threads break. You might want to take your blanket to a repair shop for sewing or see if you can fix it yourself with some stitches.

4. It Could Be Because the Baby Tugged at It and Pulled It Apart.

When you’re a baby, your blanket represents so much — comfort and security, familiarity, and even fun. Babies love to play with blankets, to pick them apart and chew them. Having a blanket that’s not falling apart is crucial for babies and toddlers.

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If it’s just the very edge of the blanket that’s coming apart, then you don’t need to worry too much. This is normal — unless your baby has taken scissors to the blanket herself! — and won’t affect the durability of the rest of the blanket. The best thing to do here is to cut off the frayed part so your baby doesn’t get any loose threads in her mouth or nose.

If it’s more than just the edges that are falling apart, then it’s time to look for a new blanket.

5. It Could Be Because It Has Not Been Washed in a Long Time

The blanket is not falling apart because it has not been washed for a long time. It is falling apart because the fabric that is used to create the blanket is of poor quality. The same thing can happen when a cheap shirt, blouse, or pair of pants is washed for the first time.

You are correct in saying that the reason you have not washed the blanket yet is that you are worried it will fall apart. I would suggest washing the blanket in cold water and hanging it up to dry so that it does not get too hot and shrink.

If you want to wash your blankets without worrying about them falling apart, use high-quality fabric that has been pre-shrunk or treated with fabric softener before they were made into blankets.

6. Not Enough Support From The Corners or Edges

If you’ve ever had a blanket fall apart at one corner or edge, it may be because there wasn’t enough support from those areas. This can happen when people use old sheets as their “blankie” and don’t replace them often enough because they’re so much cheaper than buying new ones every few months! It’s best to invest in something like fleece instead which will last longer.

How to Wash Baby Blankets to Keep Them Soft

First Time Wash

It’s a great idea to wash your new baby blanket before you use it for the first time. This helps remove dust and dirt that may have accumulated during manufacturing. It also allows you to wash out any chemicals used in the dyeing process, which could irritate your baby’s skin.

How Often Should You Wash?

Depending on how often you use it, you should wash your baby blanket every week or two. If a spot gets soiled, spot clean it and air it out until it is completely dry. Then wash it with the next load of laundry. Keep in mind that if you are using a blanket as a swaddle, your baby will spit up on it quite a bit and this will leave stains that should be washed out ASAP. Never let spots sit for more than a day or two, as they will set into the fabric and become harder to remove later on.

3. How to Wash

Baby blankets can be washed in the washing machine (visit our Washer 101 page for more information) or by hand in the sink with gentle detergents, such as Dreft® Baby Laundry Detergent and Woolite® Baby Liquid Detergent, or Ivory Snow® Baby Laund.

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Why Do Babies Get Attached to Blankets?

While there’s no clear answer as to why babies get attached to their most beloved blankets, it’s fairly common for them to do so. Here are a few theories as to why your baby loves his binky and blankie:

Baby’s blanket smells like mom: Babies have an excellent sense of smell, so it’s likely that if you cuddle with your baby and his blanket often, it will start to smell like you. This makes the blanket almost as comforting as you are — in fact, one study found that when babies smell their mother’s breast milk-soaked shirt, they breathe more easily and feel more relaxed.

The blanket has “lived-in” fibres: If your baby attaches himself to a favourite blanket, he may be coming to associate that piece of fabric with a certain texture or sensory experience. If you line the crib with the same material every night before bedtime or if he always wraps himself in the same blanket while nursing or watching TV, he may find comfort in the worn-in softness of his favourite textile.

Why Do Adults Still Have Baby Blankets?

In an article from The Atlantic, “Why Do Adults Still Sleep with Teddy Bears and Blankets?,” a psychologist named Susan Krauss Whitbourne, PhD, says that, like many other objects we hold onto for sentimental reasons (old photos, birthday cards), the reason we keep our childhood mementoes is that they remind us of important times in our lives. If you still have your baby blanket, it’s probably because it reminds you of a time when things were simpler.

In her interview with The Atlantic, Whitbourne said that if we no longer needed to sleep with them, there would be no reason to keep them around. She also said that if your blanky was torn to shreds or you broke up with your significant other who gave you your favourite stuffed animal or doll, you would probably just get rid of it.

A study published in Clinical Psychological Science found that adults who still had their favourite dolls or stuffed animals from their childhood were more likely to score higher on tests measuring secure attachment and social competence than adults who didn’t have any objects from their childhood.

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“It suggests that these objects are not just relics from the past,” study co-author Christopher Cascarano said in a press release.”They are symbolic representations of relationships with caregivers.

Should I Throw Away My Childhood Blanket?

I remember my childhood blanket, too. It was a pale blue, maybe 8 feet long, with satiny trim and a corduroy backing. I slept with it every night until I left for college. I even brought it to school for the first few months. Then I left it in my childhood room where I found it years later on a visit home.

My sister remembers her blanket better than most because she drew all over it when she was little. She could not have been more than 3 when she took a marker to its soft blue fabric, leaving behind a permanent record of her tiny scribbles and doodles. Those drawings are still there today, but not the blanket itself. My mother gave it away years ago to one of our cousins who needed a baby gift.

My sister and I are now 31 and 34, respectively — too old for blankets, yet we both have vivid memories of them: the feeling of being tucked in at night by my mom; my sister’s drawings; how warm and safe we felt under those familiar covers.

“What does your blanket mean to you?” I asked her recently as we were talking about this story. “I’m not sure,” she said. “It’s like an extension of me.”

How Do You Preserve an Old Baby Blanket?

If you want to preserve the blanket but won’t be using it daily, put it in a box and store it with other cherished mementoes.

If you’d like to display the blanket or use it as an accessory, such as draping it across the end of a bed or on the back of an armchair, have it framed. It’ll take some effort to find a framer who can do this for you, but the results will be worth it. Put your blanket search on hold for a bit and visit local art galleries. Many have framing departments that can handle unusual items such as blankets. Call ahead for information about fees and time frames.

If you’re handy with a needle and thread, sew a backing fabric to the back of your blanket and hang it on the wall like a tapestry.

Baby blankets are nice things to have. Many people can use them for their babies, so those will be a must-have item if you have children, nephews or nieces. There are people who don’t have a baby at home, but they still need this blanket to cover themselves in the morning when they get cold and want something to wrap themselves with.

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Baby blankets never go out of style so many companies continue manufacturing such products. When you purchase a baby blanket you want it to last as long as possible, right? hope you have read through and understood the tips and much more we have discussed above. Thanks.

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