Can Reading Pillows Be Put in the Dryer? – [Answered]

Reading pillows are a popular accessory for book lovers, providing a comfortable and supportive surface to lean against while reading in bed or on the couch. Over time, these pillows can become dirty or stained, requiring cleaning to maintain their appearance and functionality. However, many people are unsure about how to properly clean their reading pillows, and whether or not they can be put in the dryer.

In this blog post, we will explore whether or not it is safe to put reading pillows in the dryer. By the end of this post, you will have a better understanding of how to care for your reading pillow and keep it looking and feeling like new.

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Can I Dry A Reading Pillow?

When it comes to cleaning reading pillows, one of the most common questions is whether or not they can be put in the dryer. The answer to this question depends largely on the type of material used to make the pillow.

If your reading pillow is made of synthetic materials such as polyester or nylon, it is generally safe to put it in the dryer in a low or medium heat setting. However, it is important to check the care label on your specific pillow to make sure that it is safe to tumble dry.

If your reading pillow is made of natural materials such as cotton or wool, it is generally not recommended to put it in the dryer, as high heat can cause shrinkage and damage to the fibers. Instead, these types of pillows should be air-dried or dried in a low-heat setting.

In general, it is always a good idea to check the care label on your reading pillow before cleaning it, as the manufacturer may have specific instructions for how to care for the pillow. Some pillows may need to be spot-cleaned or hand washed, while others may be machine-washable but should not be put in the dryer.

It is also important to note that over-drying your reading pillow can cause damage to the filling, which can lead to a lumpy or misshapen pillow. To avoid this, it is best to remove the pillow from the dryer while it is still slightly damp and allow it to air dry the rest of the way.

Can Reading Pillows Be Put in the Dryer
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Factors To Consider Before Putting Reading Pillows in the Dryer

Here are the 10 most important factors to consider before putting reading pillows in the dryer:

  1. Material: Reading pillows can be made of different materials such as cotton, polyester, or a blend of both. The material will determine the heat setting and drying time needed.
  2. Filling: Reading pillows can be filled with foam, feathers, or polyester fibers. The type of filling can affect the drying time and heat setting needed.
  3. Care label instructions: Always check the care label instructions on the reading pillow before putting it in the dryer. Some pillows may not be suitable for machine-drying.
  4. Size: Consider the size of the reading pillow and the size of the dryer. A large pillow may not fit properly in a small dryer, and this can cause damage to the pillow.
  5. Type of dryer: Some dryers have different settings and features that can affect the drying process. Make sure to choose the right setting for your reading pillow.
  6. Amount of moisture: If the reading pillow is too wet, it may take longer to dry and require a higher heat setting, which can damage the pillow.
  7. Age of the pillow: Older pillows may be more fragile and susceptible to damage in the dryer. Consider the age of the pillow before putting it in the dryer.
  8. Frequency of use: If the reading pillow is frequently used, it may require more frequent cleaning and drying. This can affect the overall lifespan of the pillow.
  9. Shape and design: Some reading pillows have unique shapes or designs that require special care when drying. Take note of the shape and design of the pillow before putting it in the dryer.
  10. Personal preference: Ultimately, personal preference and experience should be considered when deciding whether to machine-dry a reading pillow. If you have had bad experiences in the past or are unsure about the process, it may be better to air-dry or use alternative drying methods.

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Safe Steps To Dry A Reading Pillow On A Dryer

Drying a reading pillow in a dryer is a convenient and effective way to ensure it is clean and dry. However, it is important to take some safety precautions to avoid damaging the pillow or the dryer. Here are 15 safe steps to follow when drying a reading pillow on a dryer:

  1. Check the care label: Before placing the pillow in the dryer, check the care label to see if it is safe to dry it this way.
  2. Remove any detachable parts: If the pillow has any detachable parts like covers or inserts, remove them before placing the pillow in the dryer.
  3. Shake off any excess water: Gently shake the pillow to remove any excess water or moisture.
  4. Add a few towels: To speed up the drying process, add a few clean towels to the dryer.
  5. Use a low heat setting: Set the dryer to a low heat setting to avoid damaging the pillow or any embellishments.
  6. Avoid overloading the dryer: Avoid stuffing too many items into the dryer as this can lead to poor air circulation and longer drying times.
  7. Use dryer balls or tennis balls: Adding dryer balls or tennis balls to the dryer can help to fluff up the pillow and distribute heat evenly.
  8. Check on the pillow periodically: Check on the pillow periodically to ensure that it is drying evenly and not overheating.
  9. Remove any lint: Clean the lint trap before and after drying the pillow to prevent lint buildup in the dryer.
  10. Use a cool-down cycle: If your dryer has a cool-down cycle, use it to prevent the pillow from overheating.
  11. Avoid direct sunlight: Do not place the pillow in direct sunlight as this can cause fading and damage to any embellishments.
  12. Avoid using fabric softener: Fabric softener can damage the pillow fibers and reduce their lifespan, so avoid using it.
  13. Avoid using high heat settings: High heat settings can damage the pillow filling and cause it to clump together.
  14. Avoid using bleach: Bleach can damage the pillow fabric and reduce its lifespan, so avoid using it.
  15. Allow the pillow to cool before using it: Once the pillow is dry, allow it to cool before using it to avoid burning yourself or damaging the filling.

Can Dryer Damage A Reading Pillow

A dryer can potentially damage a reading pillow in several ways if proper precautions are not taken. Here are some of the ways a dryer can damage a reading pillow and steps to ensure safe drying:

  1. Heat damage: The high heat of the dryer can damage the materials of the reading pillow, causing them to shrink, melt or become misshapen. To avoid heat damage, use a low heat setting or air dry the pillow.
  2. Tumbling damage: The tumbling action of the dryer can cause the filling of the reading pillow to clump together, creating lumps or uneven areas. To avoid tumbling damage, use a gentle cycle or remove the pillow from the dryer periodically to fluff it manually.
  3. Fabric damage: The fabric of the reading pillow can become torn, snagged, or faded in the dryer. To avoid fabric damage, turn the pillow inside out before drying it and use a fabric softener sheet to reduce static.

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To ensure the safe drying of a reading pillow, follow these steps:

  1. Check the care label: Before putting the reading pillow in the dryer, check the care label to see if it can be machine dried and what temperature setting is recommended.
  2. Use a low heat setting: If the care label allows machine drying, use a low heat setting to avoid heat damage to the pillow.
  3. Remove the pillow periodically: To prevent tumbling damage, remove the pillow from the dryer every 10-15 minutes and manually fluff it to redistribute the filling.
  4. Turn the pillow inside out: To prevent fabric damage, turn the pillow inside out before putting it in the dryer.
  5. Use a fabric softener sheet: To reduce static and prevent fabric damage, use a fabric softener sheet in the dryer.

By following these steps, you can safely dry your reading pillow in the dryer without causing damage to it.

Alternatives To Machine-Drying Reading Pillows

Machine drying reading pillows is a convenient way to dry them quickly, but it may not be the best option for some types of pillows. In addition, some people may not have access to a dryer, or they may prefer not to use one. Fortunately, there are several alternatives to machine-drying reading pillows, which include:

  1. Air-drying: One of the most common and easy alternatives to machine-drying reading pillows is air-drying them. This method involves hanging the pillows on a clothesline or laying them flat on a clean, dry surface in a well-ventilated area. This process may take longer than machine drying, but it is gentle and will help preserve the integrity of the filling material.
  2. Sun-drying: Sun-drying is a natural and effective way to dry reading pillows, especially those with natural materials such as cotton, wool, or down. The UV rays from the sun will help kill bacteria and freshen the pillows. However, it is important to avoid exposing the pillows to direct sunlight for prolonged periods, as this may cause fading or damage to the fabric.
  3. Tumble-drying with tennis balls: If you have a dryer but prefer not to use it for your reading pillows, you can try tumble-drying them with tennis balls. This method involves placing the pillows in the dryer with a few clean tennis balls. The tennis balls will help fluff the pillows and prevent clumping of the filling material.
  4. Using a fan: If air-drying is not an option, you can use a fan to dry your reading pillows. This method involves placing the pillows in front of a fan and allowing the air to circulate around them. This method may take longer than air-drying, but it is gentle and will help preserve the shape of the pillows.
  5. Spot-cleaning: If your reading pillows are only slightly damp, you can spot-clean them with a damp cloth and a mild detergent. This method is best for small stains or spills and can help refresh the pillows without having to dry them completely.

Overall, these alternatives to machine-drying reading pillows are effective and can help extend the life of your pillows. It is important to follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer to ensure that your pillows remain in good condition.


In conclusion, whether or not your reading pillow can be put in the dryer depends on the materials used to make the pillow. Synthetic materials are generally safe to tumble dry, while natural materials should be air-dried or dried on a low heat setting. Always check the care label on your specific pillow for specific instructions, and be careful not to over-dry the pillow to avoid damage to the filling. With proper care, your reading pillow can last for years and provide you with a comfortable reading experience.

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